March 17th is going to be the sixth anniversary of the murder of Andrew Felix Kaweesi, the Uganda Police Force`s formerly powerful Assistant Inspector General (AIGP), also the Force`s Mouthpiece. Despite the passage of more than half a decade, following the occurrence of such a gruesome incident, the police still grapples with the inquiries meant to track down the assassins and what exactly had been their motive.
Groups of seemingly fall guys with apparently no any idea whatsoever, about Kaweesi’s assassination and majority of whom are members of the Muslim faith, have since been occasionally rounded up. Some of them have been ending up summarily executed by the security agencies without the care to get any evidence whatsoever from them, to be used and try to unravel the murder.
This has been done by the security agencies in what has appeared to be a desperate bid to try to render answers to one of the country’s hundreds of thousands of such unresolved killings, ever since the country attained independence from the British. Kaweesi was gunned down as he was leaving his home in Kulambiro- Kisaasi, Nakawa Division, one of the five divisions making up the country’s Capital City.
He was being chauffeured in his official Police Car, a Land cruiser, by the time he would end up meeting his blood-curdling death. The manner of execution of this killing would come to bear all the hallmarks of the kind of assassins, well-versed with the skills of carrying out such kind of callous jobs. The horror kind of movie murder would open with one of the assassins waving down Kaweesi’s vehicle to stop, as he postured as if he was having something urgent and important he was seeking to brief the deceased about.
This man and Kaweesi had been for several years leading to the murder, known to each other. Consequently, Kaweesi would find no reason whatsoever to believe the man who was waving him to stop, was in truth, just setting him up to be killed. In point of fact, this young man must have been, probably working with police at the time of Kaweesi’s murder. He was indeed, among the first suspects to be arrested over this ugly incident only to be suspiciously released later thereafter.
His entry into the force would later on, following his arrest, be established to have been shrouded in mystery just as Kaweesi’s own murder has been proving to be, exactly the same case six years later. After Kaweesi’s entourage had been forced to pull down to a halt, the assassins would then go ahead to mercilessly pump dozens of bullets into the deceased’s body as he desperately took cover under the human shield of his heroic body guard, one Kenneth Erau.
Kaweesi’s driver, Police Constable Wambewa, didn’t survive either from the gunshots of the assay who were reportedly riding on motor bikes. After committing the triple murder, the attackers in what seems to suggest they were highly skilled at the dirty job at hand, would shockingly take their time as they now proceeded to check through the car. That was done to ensure their targets had been rendered completely lifeless by the shooting.
That confirmed, the attackers would proceed to gather all the spent cartridges at the scene. And then, sped off through Kisaasi-Kyanja road up to the grilled goats’ spot along Gayaza Road on the way to returning to Kampala. Police Chief, Gen Edward Kale Kayihura would appear at the scene of the murders in a matter of minutes following the fact. And, without any evidence to suggest so, he would there and then right away, finger the agents of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) to be the architects of the killings.
It would later shockingly emerge that the assassins and those who had sponsored them had all along been planning and discussing the bloodeir killings over the cellphones. More shockingly, the gadgets of communication would reportedly remain open and on, and while being used for days by the culprits to communicate about what had transpired before they were finally switched off and actually destroyed.
Equally intriguing, is the fact that despite all the conversations being captured by the telephone masts within the vicinity, none of the evidence would be collected to place the culprits at the scene and at the center of the killings. Most probably, the said crucial piece of evidence must have been ended up destroyed by the culprits in order to cover their tracks. Another piece of equally shocking evidence would also come through to indicate how on the day of these killings, all the police officers at the police stations within the vicinity had been demobilized.
This had been done by suspiciously diverting the cops from their work stations by inviting them to a police parade away from what would later turn out to be the scene of the heinous crimes. That would imply, whoever had removed all the cops from the vicinity of the killings had done so with the intention to deny the targets of the fatal shootings, the benefit of rescue as well as protection from the assassins, the same which was supposed to be rendered by the cops who had been removed in advance.
Whereas the police chief had made a swift and unverified accusation of the ADF agents being the killers in this case, it would later emerge that one of the killer guns had actually belonged to the police force he was still heading at the time. We would also hear later on, distrubing reports about how some of the guns that had been used during the killings, were in matter of fact a monopoly of the special forces.
One of the motor bikes which was used by the killers to arrive and get away from the murder scene, and despite Gen. Kayihura having fingered the agents of ADF as the killers, had since been traced to the police force itself. Hang in there, we are going to return with more of such interesting pieces of leads which have been shockingly neglected to be followed through to their logical conclusion by the police. May Kaweesi`s Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Author Profile
- Mr. Stephen Kasozi Muwambi is a seasoned crime investigative writer, majoring in judicial-based stories. His two decades’ experience as a senior investigative journalist has made him one of the best to reckon on in Uganda. He can also be reached via [email protected]
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