We have exclusively established that Hannington Bugingo, the President of the Uganda Comedians Association, is the brain behind the current reforms that are being formulated to streamline the arts industry through the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Gender and social welfare.
This follows a meeting between Bujingo and President Yoweri Museveni that took place in October 2020 at State House Entebbe, brokered by then Speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga. Bujingo presented a paper, in which he detailed how some laws and regulations were hurting the music industry.
The regulations are now known as ‘Film Documentary and Commercial Still Photography Regulations 2019 and Stage Play and Public Entertainment Regulations 2019’ in the Uganda Gazette. He noted then, that when the said laws were set at the time, none of the artists was consulted yet they are the key stakeholders.
After several months, we have established that the President has since written to the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Ministry of Gender, URA and BoU, to formulate reforms in which they can start taxing copywriting equipment like flash discs, photocopiers among others, which monies would then be channeled to the artistes body.
This development will also come with a sector body at ministry level that will specifically be dealing with the arts industry in Uganda.
This particular progress, would have not been achieved if the now 1st Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the EAC, Rebecca Kadaga, had not picked interest in the same.
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