“Open the gate or I shoot you,” thundered Detective Constable Deus Twesigye. These orders were being directed to Jeraro Manano who was in the process, being pushed around by Deus. The visibly defiant but calm and firm Manano is seen muttering one, two or three words to the Detective Sergeant Kakai, but he is not audible enough. As the movie picks form, another Detective Constable Colleb Rwomushana `attacks` the invisible on-camera figure and, this marks the end of the recording. But we have the details…
Going forward, the three cops; D/SGT Kakai, DC Twesigye Deus and D/C Rwomushana Colleb form a company booked out from Katwe Police Station, to Harchar International Labour Company, premised along Muwonge Lane, Makindye in Makindye. The trio is under the command of Detective sergeant (D/Sgt) Kakai. They are on mission of inquiries into a supposed Human Trafficking case vide file number 78/08/02/23 of Katwe Police Station.
The Preamble:
It is an official duty debatably gone-bad on the side of the Detectives. It all started on Tuesday 7th February 2023 when, a one Christine Nalule from Butambala, registered a complaint against Harchar, a labour export company. Nalule claimed that Harchar had recruited and took to Saudi Arabia for employment, her daughter Solomy Nakiboneka, 29. This, she said, was in December of 2020.
Nalule alleges that after some time, they started to get phone calls and messages from Nakiboneka, claiming that she was sexually harassed and used by the supposed employers at her place of work. She wanted her family to go to Harchar and demand for her transfer to another employer or, at least, be returned home.
Nalule further claims that Nakiboneka`s brothers indeed, approached Harchar and reported to them the matter. They in return, promised to investigate and do the needful. However, as the waiting and `investigations` went on, a clip emerged via TikTok, social media platform, that Nakiboneka had not only gone missing, but she was actually `dead`. To the family, enough was enough.
They trotted to Katwe Police Station and registered the case, hence setting in motion, the Detectives` action. According to Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) Deputy Spokesman Luke Oweyesigire, the trio Detectives arrived at Harchar, introduced selves and, got safely ushered inside up to the reception. Here, they started to engage the officials who included Jackson Owomugisha, a staff, Justine Nakinya, the IT Official and the Receptionist, Solomy Awachango.
Sensing the Detectives` questionnaire harbored too much stuff and beyond their bite, the staffers at Harchar decided to engage their superiors. It is upon this development that Manano received a call from the Company owners, with a directive to lock all the gates leading out of the premises, as top management forged a way forward. Detectives didn’t take such a directive seating back, they demanded that Manano opens for them to leave and hence the scuffle.
Police Goofs
Whereas the Detectives could understandably get bitter for being `locked` inside the premises, they are police officers anyway. Again, they are armed both with a gun and their phones. They too, have colleagues and superiors back at the station to whom, they would call and have the situation arrested without much trouble. But to the contrary, Deus elected a physical approach as seen in the video clip. “No, don’t, don’t, don’t,” Detective Kakai is heard stopping him from cocking and or, using the gun.
As suggested above, Kakai realized Manano was not going to kowtow into Deus’ poohoo. She picked her small one and made a call to the station. In response, Katwe dispatched a team led by the Division Operations Commander ASP Gwaivu Julius who, professionally intervened and safely `rescued` his colleagues. Upon leaving, he took with him suspects in Manano Jeraro, Owomugisha Jackson, Nakinya Justine, Awachango Solomy.
The quadruple was detained at Katwe police Station until the following day when, the company owners intervened and had them released on police bond. According to Oweyesigire, Harchar managers confirmed to police and Nalule`s family that Nakiboneka was still alive but just escaped from her workplace. They further gave assurance that efforts are being made to have her repatriated back home.
Did police prematurely go to Harchar? Our answer is yes. According to Oweyesigire, the Detectives were at the premises to verify whether it is indeed a government accredited labour export company. In case of negative findings, this would help police to determine whether to consider the criminal charge of Human Trafficking, or hand the matter over to the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, just in case the company is accredited.
However, for police to verify the authenticity of the above, it required them to visit the Ministry and not the Company. Firstly, the alleged victim is in Saudi Arabia and not at the Makindye premises. Secondly, it’s the Ministry and not Harchar to prove their authenticity. “When we checked online, they (Harchar) are indicated at the portal as genuine,” said Oweyesigire.
He hastily added; “But even with this information, we have to get certified information from the Ministry,” said Oweyesigire. Why the Detectives started with the last move, is a question Oweyesigire had no immediate answer for. Asked whether the Detectives professionally behaved while in the said Manano`s captivity, Oweyesigire murmured a little. “They exposed too much anger but we shall handle that with PSU.”
Author Profile

- Stanley Ndawula is a two and a half decades’ seasoned investigative journalist with a knack for serious crimes investigations and reporting. He’s the Founding Editorial Director and CEO at The Investigator Publications (U) Limited
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