Kampala Metropolitan Police (KMP) recently summoned a United Kingdom based Finance Manager and businessman Peter Yiga Matovu, over the fraudulent registration of a parcel of land in Kampala. Matovu, was required by the Police for an interview and statement recording vide KMP GEF; 024/2023, on 12th April 2023 at Central Police Station Kampala.
This stems out of the alleged fraudulent registration of block 219, Plot 345 at Najera, belonging to the late Kibikyo Catherine. Then aged 85, Kibikyo died on 15th December 2020 at Wightman Road Harringay in the United Kingdom. Upon her demise, it is claimed that Matovu unlawfully engaged in a ploy with others still at large, to take over the estate of the late Kibikyo.
By the time his deeds got known, he had pocketed more than £1.5M of which he had already sold off shares worth £175,000 in the United Kingdom. The deceased is also said to have owned four pieces of land including a prime plot at Najera, Uganda. She had procured the said land in Uganda from George l Ssebuliba on 2nd June 1999.
It is alleged that Matovu later went ahead and frequently claimed the above estate. This forced Ruth Namyalo, a sister to the deceased, and the other Bonafide beneficiaries to lodge a case against him at the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, seeking to revoke the letters of administration earlier issued to him fraudulently.
The complainants and Bonafide beneficiaries include; Katono Deborah, Norah Nalukwago, Justine Namugenyi, Kaggwa Samuel, Aidah Nalujja, James Rweram Stephen Mukasa and Samuel Tebuseeke. They filed their case through Stella Maris UK. The same court has since stayed any attempt by Matovu to sell off any more shares and has frozen the account on which the money was deposited until the case is disposed of.
Matovu had initially claimed that he had obtained powers of attorney through a one Samson Ssali, whereas not. He appeared at the Central Police Station in Kampala and recorded a statement over the Najera land as the police awaits the advice from the directorate of public prosecution for the charges to be pressed against his person or otherwise.
Author Profile
- Mr. Jacko David Waluluka is another unique entertainment and general investigative news writer, a field he has diligently covered for over fifteen years. He’s also the Chief Administrator at The Investigator. He can easily be reached via [email protected]
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