Generally, English defines inferiority complex as a basic feeling of meagreness and uncertainty, stemming from actual or imagined physical and or psychological deficiency. At its core, it is a feeling used to symbolize a strong sense of feeling less than everyone around you. Such a feel can at most times be harmful to its carrier.
The above is what forms this writer`s opinion of the situation in which the Kampala Capital City Authority Executive Director, Ms. Dorothy Kisaka drove herself into. For starters, a lawyer by profession, Kisaka, in a letter dated July 21st 2020, was named the new KCCA Executive Director, along with Eng. David Luyimbazi Ssali as her Deputy, and Grace Akullo as the Director for Human Resource and Management.
Whereas the trio was independently appointed and with specified job description for each, for reasons we elected to base on inferiority complex, Kisaka instantly felt insecure amidst them, based on what we have gathered with time. The ingredients of this supposed civil bad blood will uninterruptedly flow in, during the presentation of these series dubbed `KCCA Rot Explained`.
However, by the time we present this introductory piece, its public knowledge that all is not well at the City Hall. Like her colleagues, Kisaka`s term of office expires on July 23rd 2023 – next week on Sunday, to be precise. And the storm was ignited by Kisaka herself when, she, again probably via insecurity, elected to fight the appointment of Juliet Namuddu, another Director in charge of Education and Social Services.
Namuddu had successfully applied for the position via an open competitive arrangement with Public Service Commission where, she emerged top among eighteen candidates. Upon her victory, President Museveni fully appointed her towards the end of 2022. Hardly had she assumed office than the appointing authority, now wrote terminating the fresh contract! This was unheard of and Namuddu was not to take it lying down.
The Story
Like any other knowledgeable citizen, Namuddu summoned use of law. For starters, upon her appointment, she had become answerable to, and a responsibility of the Public Service Commission (PSC). Indeed, Namuddu petitioned the PSC, successfully challenging the presidential directive against her. At this stage, the President had to revise his decision, but not without placing someone in the `blame seat` and, this is when the truth came out.
Terminating Namuddu`s appointment, the President had written to the Chairperson Education Service Commission on March 25th 2022 thus; “Information has been brought to my attention that she is one of the former Directors at KCCA that I had advised shouldn’t be reappointed due to the complaints I had received. I instead advised some positions be advertised.” For Musevenism scholars, the use of `some` in the above statement is vital. He always leaves an escape route to personal peace.
Indeed, we are impeccably informed that when the storm was stirred into his space, President Museveni summoned Kisaka for a meeting. Here, he humbly asked her to remind him of the directive against Kisaka, that he allegedly gave to her. Kisaka reportedly laboured, but in vain, to remind him of a `verbal directive` that he had reportedly assured her when she had previously complained of Namuddu`s reappointment. That was the beginning of Kisaka`s count-down at the helm of KCCA throne.
We can authoritatively report that after President Museveni kowtowed to Juliet Namuddu`s reinstatement as Director Education and Social Development, he summoned Kampala Ministers namely; Honorables Minsa Kabanda and Kabuye Kyofatogabye. To these ones, the son of Kaguta gave a directive, that the contract renewal of the ED KCCA Dorothy Kisaka, now lay in their acceptable appraisal and approval. He proceeded to sign off the new directive to the Public Service Commission, for proper implementation. And with this, the President had introduced Kisaka to the confusion dance floor… Welcome to KCCA Rot Explained series…
Author Profile
- Stanley Ndawula is a two and a half decades’ seasoned investigative journalist with a knack for serious crimes investigations and reporting. He’s the Founding Editorial Director and CEO at The Investigator Publications (U) Limited
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