The timing of Kimaanya-Kabonera lawmaker, Hon Dr Abed Bwanika’s letter to the opposition National Unity Party (NUP) and the party’s Chief Whip in Parliament, John Baptist Nambetshe, asking the leadership of that party to give their position on homosexuality, is not only very suspect, but also helps to undress the wolves attired in parliamentary suits and red berets.
Let it be understood clearly and noted, homosexuality is in principle a bad vice. But corruption and stealing of public funds on grand scale is much worse news. While the act of man copulating with another man is bad, it doesn’t affect the welfare of the poor like stealing public funds on a grand scale itself does.
This, seeing that it deprives government of money to use to provide social services like education, health services, road infrastructure and so on and so forth. It becomes very terrible news therefore for any person caught stealing public funds to use the issue of gays as their defense in order to corruptly escape from blame.
For, gays and corruption are certainly gulfs of differences apart and both cannot certainly be used interchangeably as a sensible and sound piece of defense, should one find themselves accused of either of the two acts.
Furthermore, it would amount to a scandal of graver proportions should people regarded as fountains of honor purport to use the issue of gays to wish away the grave issue of stealing public funds, much of which is interestingly sourced from, and provided by those accused of promoting the rights of the gays.
If I may, when do gays and their promoters become good and bad people? Do they become good people when their governments are donating funds to us and suddenly turn into bad people when they are asking us not to steal that donated money in order to uphold our own poor people’s welfare?
Do they become very good people when they look away and don’t ask anything when we are torturing and killing our own people and then suddenly turn into very bad people when they caution us not to torture and kill our own brothers, sisters and our so-called beloved grandchildren!
And or, when they are asking us to uphold good governance and democratic principals? Your own answers to those very critical questions are as good as mine and are very well appreciated supposing they are not motivated by corruption itself.
Turning to Dr Abed Bwanika’s letter. While upon casual perusal of it, the note appears well-intentioned, but a deeper interrogation of the same letter, would render it highly suspect and looks as if it was motivated by corruption itself. Why and how? I will obligatorily answer.
The letter is used as part of the grand scheme of diversionary games since it arrives at the time when the country is grappling with the cleverly veiled corruption issue dubbed as Service Awards equaling to one billion and seven hundred million Ugandan shillings in total. I will demonstrate.
NUP and Bobi Wine, in particular, leaked the above-mentioned financial heist at the time when the opposition lawmakers like Dr Abed Bwanika himself were dozing on the job and or, were acting in complicit of the loot and yet whilst others like Hon Mathias Mpuuga were actually gladly taking a slice out of the public funds involved in the saga.
Unshakingly, insinuations have since been made by those directly involved, the likes of Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament Annet Anita Among, and her powerful backers, that the whistleblowers of the financial heist were instigated by the gays! But this, without them suspects telling us whether or not they actually did what all the available evidence indicate they did.
It has since emerged that those funds were corruptly shared, among others, by the Parliament Speaker herself, Rt Hon Anita Annet Among Magogo and Hon Mathias Mpuuga, the latter being Dr Hon Abed Bwanika’s well known bestie, tribesman and Masaka home boy.
Hon Mpuuga, the Speaker and others while plotting and sealing that corrupt deal, sat in absolute silence which is a manner that the Bible, Dr Pastor Abed Bwanika upholds, warns of when it states that the devil itself also strikes under the cover of darkness, which is literally so to speak, an acronym for silence.
Bwanika`s letter veiledly suggests that Bobi Wine Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, the leader of National Unity Platform (NUP), the party that Dr Bwanika purports to be a supporter of, champions the cause of homosexuality and, by necessary implication, NUP itself does so.
Dr Bwanika derives that suggestion from the interviews that Bobi Wine held in the past with two radio stations – one in France and another in the United Kingdom. Now, Bobi Wine didn’t volunteer those radio interviews, neither did he propose the questions to be put to him during those interviews.
He was invited by those radio stations just like Dr Abed Bwanika and Hon Mpuuga are invited by CBS radio and corruptly go on to malign the leadership of NUP more so Bobi Wine without giving a chance to those being maligned to answer back. During those radio interviews, Bobi Wine was invited to in France and United Kingdom, a question was put to him as to whether he supports the practice of homosexuality.
Bobi Wine responded perfectly and legally that he respects their rights in much the same way as President Yoweri Museveni asserts that he would not interfere with gays if they practice their vice among themselves alone. Our Lord Jesus Christ himself, the purest of lambs and blood, counsels us the mere creatures of His Heavenly Father, not to discriminate against those perceived by us to be sinners because he did not come to save the saints but the sinners.
Jesus, asked by the mere creatures of His Father what should be done to a woman caught committing adultery since Moses had decreed that such sinners should be stoned to death, Our Lord paused for a minute and then answered back: “Let those among you who has never committed any sin go forth and stone her.” Do you know what? The mob just melted into thin air, and, Jesus turned to the woman and counseled her: “Woman, I hold no case against you. Go, and, don’t sin again.”
Dr Bwanika’s passionately and corruptly asks NUP and Bobi Wine to disclose their stand on homosexuality and without corruptly and revealingly asking Rt Hon Among or Hon Mpuuga to disclose their stand on the serious allegations in respect to the one billion and seven hundred million public funds said to have corruptly been shared between them.
The Constitution of NUP reportedly underlines it’s zero tolerance to corruption. Pursuant to that standard set by the party’s Constitution, Bobi Wine asked Hon Mpuuga to resign or apologize to Ugandans for engaging in corrupt acts. Yet Dr Abed Bwanika, a self-professed Born Again and Pastor, continues to passionately and corruptly defend Hon Mpuuga.
In the same vein, the Leadership Code, as it has been in this case well-articulated by the so-called clueless Bobi Wine, bars leaders from appropriating public funds for themselves and yet which is what the so-called learned Speaker Among and so-called morally upright, Hon Mpuuga did exactly when they sat and paid themselves with public funds disguised as special awards.
President Yoweri Museveni did wrong and, Mpuuga and Among criticized him, when he paid to a group of Uganda Revenue Authority staffers and a group of State Attorneys under the Attorney General’s office, a percentage of money won by Uganda in an oil dispute lodged in London by one of the industry players since the beneficiaries are paid to do what they did during the ligation in London.
It therefore follows that by corruptly paying themselves more money on top of their parliamentary salaries and other emoluments, Speaker Among and Hon Mpuuga did not do better than president Yoweri and the Ugandan civil servants that he paid extra monies for winning the oil case in London and which Hon Mpuuga he himself passionately criticized.
As I wind up therefore, using the gays by the corrupt as a defence against acts of commission of corruption, discredits the Anti-gays law since it justifies the belief that that piece of law was weaponized to fight members of the opposition and m the Whites for speaking out against the excesses of Parliament and the government of Uganda.
For additional information, clarifications and tips, Please reach the writer via: email: [email protected] and WhatsApp: +256751857756
Author Profile

- Mr. Stephen Kasozi Muwambi is a seasoned crime investigative writer, majoring in judicial-based stories. His two decades’ experience as a senior investigative journalist has made him one of the best to reckon on in Uganda. He can also be reached via [email protected]
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