The message is clear, no more swords; Everyone off the cross! “Alone we can do so little… together we can do so much. Talent win games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Teamwork begins by building trust.” It is therefore literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping each other to succeed.
In his words, Federation of Motorsport Uganda (FMU) President Dipu Ruparelia shares some of the insights that put a difference. It is Talent, Trust, Solidarity and winning championships. He quoted out this line; “There is a common saying that when the parents quarrel in the house, it’s the children to feel the heat. It’s also believed that in the interest of the children, it’s always best for the parents to resolve any issues as best as they can.”
Ruparelia added; “Motorsport is our child and the motocross riders are our children and we have to protect them.” After months of discussions and mediations to heal the very opened wounds in Motorsport Uganda, the aggrieved and the aggressor are both talking and seeing eye to eye.
This state of unification and intent at sharing a common interest, a common route, a common stand and goal between the Federation of Motorsport Uganda (FMU) and the Motorcycling Association of Uganda (MAU) comes at a time, when, they both need a common voice if they are to win the FIM Africa Championships, an event in which the Country last participated in 2012 when they last hosted it.
“We are glad this has come ahead of the Motocross of African Nations; a continental event that we shall be hosting this month at Garuga,” Dipu Ruparelia, President of FMU revealed as they buried a rift that had rocked the sport for close to three dead years. Today, Thursday 4th August 2022 will therefore go, decisively, into the archives of the sport of speed. They have turned a leaf, a gesture that started the journey of togetherness, unity and working in harmony as a ‘Team Uganda’.
The riders and parents of the riders have also poured their hearts out to FMU and MUA for such a robust healing antibiotic tablet of the wound that inflicted agony on motocross in the Country. “The day is special to many of us for the simple reason that an understanding based on common interests to protect the riders and rider parents from now on takes Centre stage,” noted Amos Wekesa, a rider parent and one who propagated the mediations himself.
“We stand as one motocross fraternity, one motorsport family, and one motorsport country. This is not about individuals, not chest-thumping not even about winning. It’s about the collective good, the collective win.” Ruparelia stated.
Through a series of discussions and negotiations, FMU and MUA identified common interests and common goals for motocross prosperity across the board.
They identified common areas and agreed on what is best within the stipulated motocross guidelines. “We now take more pride in the riders we have and indeed, there is a huge amount of confidence that as a team, we shall put up a good show as Uganda.” Ruparelia said they need win. They want to be the African Champions and; we shall be champions.”
The genesis of all rift could have been the new cabinet of FMU that had been handed office two years ago. Two and a half years ago, Dipu’s cabinet was being handed responsibility but their tenure was greeted by huge concerns, especially from the motor cycling family. These concerns led to a divide among the executives. Until this year (2022) Dipu Ruparelia’s cabinet has been grappling with the divisions threatening to even do more harm than good.
To put that to rest, the last couple of months, there has been a lot of work, discussing and mediations taking course to understand the issues that gave rise to the rifts. Importantly, this were to forge a way forward was the ultimate objective. Thank God, the fair men and women of the motorsport fraternity came out positive and the sport has won.
For highlights, Ruparelia said it’s best practice everything comes out from the bottom of their big hearts. So!
One, no victimization and Busika racing truck is now open;
Two, Riders can now participate in foreign events;
Three, there is now Joint management of the calendar; and,
Four, they have Integrated Busika events in FMU calendar.
Bona Voyage!
Author Profile

- Mr. Daniels N. Tatya is an affluent Sports Writer, Commentator and Editor. His over 15 years of covering almost major sporting events makes him a revered and an authority on investigative Sports journalism in Uganda. He can also be reached via [email protected] +256(0)758268315
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