Foul-mouthed billionaire, Donald Trump is having right squarely there on his hands currently, one of the fiercest of his lifetime political fights as he seeks to retake power for the second time, after losing out to America’s President Joe Biden, previously as he tussled out for the second term of office.
But whereas he states on, one hand, how he intends to use the second term in power to make America great again, he, on the other hand, confusingly spews out things that boarder on embarrassing the same America he intends to make great again. In the course of seeking for another round of a go at White House, Trump has severely put to stiff test, America’s claim to being the biggest democrat as well as the biggest legal regime unrivaled by any other country around at all presently on planet Earth.
Republican Trump, in much the same way as he repeatedly kept yelling loudly after previously being floored by Democrat Biden, has for the better part of his ongoing presidential campaign, been continuously accusing his rival of stealing his previous victory, opening up America’s election processes and its claim to being a country unrivaled by any other around in democracy, to scrutiny and ridicule.
Trump, prompted by rival camps seeking to knock him out of the president race, citing his alleged incitement of angry mobs to engage in acts of insurrection over his past victory Biden purportedly had stolen, has been furiously returning fierce fire, claiming about how Biden is again plotting to steal his victory before even the votes can be cast by Americans and counted, putting furthermore to question and shame America’s so-called water-tight and unbreachable electoral processes alongside it’s so-called unparalleled democracy.
You, you and you, not me, are on trial
Trump has further used his ongoing court prosecutions to violently fight back, alleging how it’s America’s judges, America’s democracy and America’s President Joe Biden, not him personally, who are in the dock facing trial for trying to stop Americans from choosing whom they want to lead them, plotting to stop him from turning out as a candidate in the upcoming election, exposing the country judicial systems as being biased, capable of being compromised and of being used.
He has stated much the same and even much more in response to a few States in America that have gone on to stop him from participating in mock elections there, sending out distress calls about the purported massive vote thuggery purportedly ever known waiting to befall America merely because Joe Biden, his Republican party and his ‘biased’ judges ‘wish’ to purportedly unfairly and illegally kick him out of the president race.
Flowers for America’s foes, barbs for Israel, Ukraine
Trump has vowed to befriend America’s sworn foes like Kremlin’s Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s chaotic leader, Kim Un Jong, linking America to leaders who are viewed and treated by its allies as worst tyrants and vampires, risking to damage America’s credibility, undermining it’s claim to being the biggest and leading democrat on earth never mind if even it’s not so.
He has glowingly praised Russia’s Vladimir Putin as a rare friend, an understanding leader, a caliber of a leader more intelligent than his own country’s president, Joe Biden. He has vowed to back Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine or at least to drag Ukraine to the peace talks with Russia. Not to mention, stopping to financially and logistically backing Israel’s aggression against Hamas.
Yet America and her allies in Europe, are themselves obviously not at peace with Russia and North Korea, implying that by even a potential American president prematurely merely declaring his or her partnership with such mentioned countries, would it itself alone singularly amount to embarrassing America before her own allies and embarrassing the allies themselves.
In threatening to stop backing Israel’s war in Gaza and Ukraine’s war against Russia, however justified both may be, Trump embarrassed America before Israel and Ukraine and her allies in Europe, making it look like as if America support wars of aggression, much as it actually does many times, but without necessarily admitting to doing so.
The Tyranny
Putin has also threatened upon retaking power, to use tyranny to settle political scores and differences. Oh yes, he stated that he will drain the judiciary, for example, of some terrible judges in the same way as he has vowed to rid other critical government agencies of other ‘terrible’ people there inside his volatile medulla oblongata.
Much as he may not be able to carry out his threats considering Americans strong State institutions cannot likely be possible to be breached by unruly, errant and rogue leaders like him, Trump has already caused the damage and consternation, all the same, by merely suggesting that as an elected president, he will do horrible things he has stated he will do.
Trump has described his court cases like the one of a female journalist accusing him of sexually molesting her long before he could become president, as merely purely pure fabrications launched against him in order to deprive him of his right and freedom to stand for power.
Yet, in truth, those are purely and simply his own private and personal cases to warrant going after the judges, telling all and sundry how judges are merely using such cases to stop him to stand for power and to stop Americans from voting him into power.
Be that as it may, Trump’s assertions are currently repeatedly being drummed up by his Republican party supporters, other politicians from adversarial political parties, many other Americans including big politicians, university professors, big time legal minds and eminent personalities from all other walks life, soaring his electoral popularity, threateningly poising him to defeat Biden for another term, sending those loathing him within America and elsewhere around the globe into much utter panic.
In worst case scenarios, judges have been bombarded by suspectedly chaotic Trump’s supporters with hate mails and even verbal threats purportedly over being used and compromised to persecute their man and over plotting to stop him from running for power, and also, to deny Americans to vote him to power.
Biden’s age is Biden’s party spoiler
To complicate matters, Biden is being taunted to be in his late dusk on earth, lacking anymore the most critical mental and bodily faculties, rendering him no longer anymore to handle very taxing affairs of a country as big and important as America, dipping his electoral chances.
Trump and his supporters have stated much the same and even more than that, claiming how Biden is fit, ripe and even also long overdue for retirement, taunting him to quickly go home without any more delay for he to have and enjoy a long overdue rest.
Much more unfortunate for Biden, one of the respected legal attorneys in America has since determined him and also declared him to be an old man of advanced age, seriously affecting his mental faculties, rendering him unable to remember things like when his own child died, leading him unable to differentiate between alive and dead presidents, mixing up which president presides over which country, embarrassingly reducing him to talking and speaking of meeting and talking to presidents long dead and long buried.
Mission impossible
As I sign out, it’s kind of hard to figure how Trump, in the event he turns out to be successful in his quest to retake the White House, is going to able to reconcile the damage he himself has inflicted on America’s legal systems, upon the other law enforcement systems, on the presidency and upon the other administrative systems there with his self-avowed daunting task of making America great. Well, let us render to Donald Trump the benefit of doubt. Who knows, he may end up doing what some of us believe is going to be hard for him to successfully do.
Author Profile
- Mr. Stephen Kasozi Muwambi is a seasoned crime investigative writer, majoring in judicial-based stories. His two decades’ experience as a senior investigative journalist has made him one of the best to reckon on in Uganda. He can also be reached via [email protected]
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