The Archery sport has been officially considered on the National Sport Council list as the Committee on Education and Sports in Parliament gave a straight kick punch to Kickboxing off it. The above considerations and amendments among others leave a general feeling of skepticism and vagueness surrounding the amendment, passing and ascent onto it (The Physical Activity and Sports Bill 2021).
It’s true Kickboxing has not been vibrant but does not delete the fact that Kickboxing as a sport exists and its one of the famous sports in the country. The Bill as is and passed by parliament last week is yet to get to the convincing grounding and still remains a game of gamble with a section of experts saying it might be of a negative impact in future.
Some desired clauses as recommended by the President for reconsideration and make right have left Parliamentary Education and Sports Committee and the August house alienated. Even as it was passed following its presentation last Tuesday, sections of the house were still skeptical about certain clauses and choices for their amendments.
The Bill that had first been passed by the same Parliament last March, was thrown back at Parliament and the line committee by President Museveni for reconsideration a fortnight ago for improvement citing irregularities. After making several reviews, the Committee on Education and Sports, on Tuesday, presented the report containing recommendations as proposed by President Museveni before it was passed.
Accordingly, Parliament unanimously adopted the committee report approving the amendments that included incorporation of several amendments. Among the amendments is the adoption of Museveni’s proposal to add archery among the recognized sport disciplines. Museveni wrote to the committee ordering that archery, an Olympic sport, be added because it is recognized and registered by the National Council of Sports.
On the other side, the House adopted Museveni’s proposal to remove kickboxing from the list of recognized sport disciplines. In his proposal, Museveni had said that kickboxing provided for under the schedule is no longer a recognized sport by the council, be deleted. The house also adopted the proposal by the President to amend section 32 (2) for members of the board of the National Council of Sports.
The house adopted the committee’s recommendation that the council have a board of seven members which shall be the governing board of the council consisting of a chairperson and six members. Therefore, the members on the committee will include; a representative from the ministry responsible for sports, two representatives from any two traditional regions of Uganda, a representative of the National Sports Association, a representative of the athletes, a representative of the private sector and a person with experience in sports administration.
The point of contention was over the House declining to delete clause on sporting land and public facilities. Clause 75 as recommended by the committee which provides that the land on which the public sports facilities are established shall be vested in the Council.
The committee had cited that the sports facilities are already taken over by the National Council of Sports and that it would bring about numerous court battles, and thus, recommended that the clause be erased. Speaker Anita Among and Attorney General, Kiryowa Kiwanuka, guided the House and resolved to leave the clause in a bid to protect the land and property of the sports facilities.
Author Profile
- Mr. Daniels N. Tatya is an affluent Sports Writer, Commentator and Editor. His over 15 years of covering almost major sporting events makes him a revered and an authority on investigative Sports journalism in Uganda. He can also be reached via [email protected] +256(0)758268315
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