Deep inside this mighty website pages lay stories about the Jakana Family and how a son, Daniel Herbert Lule Jakana has created turmoil and tension in a once happy Household, The Investigator reports deeper. Our stores have evolved around battles of ownership and how the son, biological son at that, Jakana proves the biggest headache for the family and particularly, his elderly and ailing mother Edith Nagujja Jakana, 92.
Nagujja’s plague is thwarted and served on a silver platter by her own son, Dan Lule Jakana who, she accuses of having illegally staked the marital land in a quest to set up and keep his Jakana Foods Ltd business financially sound. With family arbitration thrown into the gutter, the nonagenarian who is now confined in a wheel chair and is managed by care givers has taken her battle to court in a bid to defend her family home and legacy. The same family, is once again entrapped into a fresh land law court battle further tearing further apart, the already torn family. Even this is still, orchestrated by the same son Daniel Herbert Lule Jakana.
The fresh story:
Nonagenarian Edith Nagujja Jakana, 92, through her Lawyers of M/S W. MU UMUZA & CO. ADVOCATES, in civil Suit No. 1090/19 of the High Court of Uganda at Kampala, Land Division, is seeking legal redress over 0.066 acres comprised in LRV 4552 FOLIO 13 BLOCK 203 PLOT 11780 Land at Kazo, Kyaddondo, that was allegedly sold to Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) by her son Daniel Jakana and his Jakana Foods ltd, in disregard of an existing caveat.
Nagujja, who holds an equitable interest claim that the current proprietor, Jakana Foods LTD owned by Daniel Jakana, having been registered thereon without her consent as a kibanja holder, was subject to Civil Suit No. 1099 of 2019 which seeks for cancellation of the impugned Certificate of Title which was duly registered. In the face of the said Plaintiff’s caveat, KCCA transacted with Jakana Foods LTD leading to the mutation of 0.066 acres off the described land for purposes of construction of a drainage channel yet the caveat was at the time still intact.
Between June 2021 and November 2021, KCCA paid Jakana Foods Ltd, a total sum of UGX827, 453, 640 (Uganda Shillings Eight Hundred Twenty-Seven Million, Four Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand, Six Hundred Forty) being compensation for acquiring 0.066 acres of the described land, for purposes of construction of a drainage channel.
A transaction that was illegal owing to the caveat thus culminating into Nagujja seeking legal redress to recover the total sum of UGX827, 453,640 and also, general and punitive damages from KCCA, Jakana Foods Ltd and the Commissioner in charge of land registration, who failed in their mandate of taking charge and control of the office of titles, general conveyance among other duties.
The said land is part of the estate of the late Daniel Nelson George Nkuse Jakana who died on 24th December in 1994. The late Daniel Nelson George Nkuse Jakana left a Will dated 31st January 1971 wherein, he appointed his wife Edith Jakana, and his son, Daniel Herbert Lule Jakana, as executors of the same. On 28thOctober 2004, Nagujja and Daniel Lule Jakana as executors filed petition for grant of probate as duly appointed joint executors for the estate of the late Daniel Nelson George Nkuse Jakana and on 7th February 2005, Lordship Moses Mukiibi, granted the executors letters of probate for the deceased’s estate.
The late Daniel Nelson George Nkuse Jakana in his Will bequeathed the suit property located in Kazo to his wife during her lifetime and thereafter to his son James Senjogera. However, since then, the family has been embroiled in several wrangles that include sale of property and the depleting of the Bank account no 0070032163 of Tropical Bank Uganda belonging to Edith Nagujja, his mother, of a colossus amount of money.
Author Profile

- Mr. Jacko David Waluluka is another unique entertainment and general investigative news writer, a field he has diligently covered for over fifteen years. He’s also the Chief Administrator at The Investigator. He can easily be reached via [email protected]
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